
LATIN-19 embraces research as a valuable tool to generate new knowledge on the health and well-being of the Latina community and to inform positive change. Our goal is to support the infrastructure for meaningful and equitable engagement with the Latina community. We work in partnership with the Duke Clinical and Transitional Science Institute to enable researchers to incorporate stakeholder input and community feedback. Our Wednesday meetings and newsletters serve as a critical hub for the dissemination of research that impacts our communities.

Research Values

Our research values build upon the principles of community engaged research (Cyril et al., 2015), including:

  • Early and frequent engagement with the community — Contributing to community efforts well before an ask

  • Ensuring the benefits outweigh the risk — Optimizing immediate benefit to the community

  • Strengths-based approaches — Leveraging cultural and community strengths

  • Mutually beneficial relationships — Outlining equity in the benefits for both the community and the academic stakeholders

  • Bi-directional learning — Delineating ways community and academic partners will learn and build skills together and from one another

  • Including the voice and agency of the community — Ensuring the community’s priorities inform the area of study and respect the manner they would like to be included as full partners in the research

  • Real power sharing between stakeholders — Prioritizing shared decision making and shared resources

Members of LATIN-19 in a grant planning meeting