Local Resources in Raleigh, NC

that can assist your patients in preparing for potential deportation and provide support:

1. Legal Assistance:

Legal Aid of North Carolina — Immigration Pathways for Victims (IMMPAV)

Services: Offers free legal assistance to low-income immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.

Contact: Toll-Free: 1 (866) 204-7612

Website: https://legalaidnc.org/project/immigration

North Carolina Justice Center — Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project

Services: Provides legal assistance on various immigration matters and civil cases affecting low-income immigrants.

Contact: Phone: 919-856-2570

Website: https://www.lawhelpnc.org

2. Community Support Organizations:

USCRI North Carolina

Services: Offers support to refugees and immigrants, including access to affordable housing, medical and mental health support, education, and employment services.

Website: https://refugees.org/nc/

Welcome House Raleigh

Services: Provides temporary housing and settlement assistance to refugees and immigrants upon arrival.

Website: https://welcomehouseraleigh.org

Refugee Hope Partners

Services: Supports refugees through their transition by providing resources and community connections to help them build a new life.

Website: https://refugeehopepartners.org

3. Know Your Rights Resources:

NC Medicaid Division of Health Benefits

Website: https://ncgov.servicenowservices.com/sp_beneficiary?id=bnf_know_your_rights

Encourage your patients to reach out to these organizations for assistance in creating a deportation plan and accessing support services. Additionally, providing them with “Know Your Rights” information can empower them to make informed decisions.